S01 x E16
11:50 Let me put it this way. : 이런 식으로 (다시) 설명을 하지요. - 무례하게 들릴수도 있음.
= What I am trying to say is...
18:22 look into : 조사하다, 주의깊게 살펴보다.
- You might want to look into it.
- This cave is very weird. We need to look into it.
20:12 end up
- No, I ended up telling her everything.
- I burned the midnight oil yesterday to study math exam. Eventually, I ended up passing the exam.
22:55 take down : 분해하다.
- You wanted me to take them down.
- I want to understand the principle of printer. So, I started to take it down.
35:10 spoiled : adj. 버릇없는
- I am so spoiled.
- That is so spoiled boy.
38:18 just not worth it : 그럴 가치가 없는 거야. (잊어버려)
- This was just not worth it.
- Lotto is just not worth it.
38:58 blow off : 바람 맞히다 / 차 버리다 / 약속을 깨다.
- I can't believe she's blowing me off!
- I waited for her for 1 hour but she didn't show up. She blew me off.
40:48 be nuts about : ~을 (정말) 좋아하다.
- He's really nuts about you.
- I'm nuts about webtoon.
42:41 have a point : 일리가 있다.
- Do you have a point?
- His opinion seems to have a point.
44:17 under the bridge : 다 지나간 일이다. (잊어버려)
- What about everything you said under the bridge?
- Could you please forgive me? Of course. It was under the bridge.