English/Expression . Idioms
Idioms ESL-Lab, 2022-09-28
2022. 9. 28. 11:32
No. | Title | Explanations |
1 | Personal Profile | · Hit it off : get along well, become friends - Tom and I hit it off. - Jenny hits it off with her friends. - After the first couple of letters, I knew we would hit it off because we had so many things in common. · nothing to write home about : not exciting or interesting, 특별할 거 없는 - My trip was nothing to write home about. I didn’t have much fun, and it was kind of boring. - It's nothing to write home about. - This donut has nothing to write home about. - My las weekend is nothing to write home about. - Daniel got a good grade, I asked him how to study well. He gave me a piece of advice. But i think it was nothing to wirte home about. · university student / undergraduate : 대학원생 - freshman (noun): first-year student - sophomore(noun): second-year studen - junior (noun): third-year studen - senior(noun): forth-year studen : He is only a junior, so he has another year to graduate. · graduate student (미국) / post-graduate student (영국) : 대학원생 - bachelor (noun): 학사 - master(noun): 석사 - Ph.D. (noun): 박사 - post-doctoral(noun): 박사후 |
2 | Phone Message | · sleep on it : wait until tomorrow to make a decision - She wanted to sleep on it before making such an important decision. - He doesn’t make a quick decision. When he gets an issue, he always sleep on it. · Right off the bat : immediately – 즉시, 주저하지 않고 - When I called her yesterday, she told me right off the bat that she was getting married. - I knew right off the bat that something was wrong. If you could tell him to me tonight between 7:00 and 8:30 ? I’m not supposed to tell that. |
3 | Physical Therapy | · get off someone’s back : stop criticizing someone all of the time - Hey, get off my back. I’ll get a job faster if you stop bothering me. - I don’t like her. She never get off my back. She always bother me. · Get cold feet : become nervous about something - nervous, worry - I think she’s getting cold feet about marrying my brother. - · trip over : 걸려 넘어지다. - I tripped out over a box in the dark after the lights went out. · Cant’ beat s/t : be better than s/t else – 이보다 더 좋을 순 없다. - You can’t best that . - You can’t beat the flavor of this ice cream. It’s the best. - He couldn’t beat this dinner. The main dish was fantastic. |