원어민이 밥먹듯이쓰는 LOOK 패턴익히기 #영어회화 #뉘앙스영어 #미드쉐도잉
- Look familiar to me
- Look friendly, drunk, terrific
- How does it look?
- It looks good on you
- It looks totally awesome on you
- It looks ridiculous
- This looks complicated
- He looks completely exhausted
It is not as easy as it looks. : 보기보다 쉽지 않아.
It is not as hard as it looks. : 보기보다 어렵지 않아.
It is not as bad as it looks : 보기보다 나쁘지 않아.
Let's just hope it tastes as good as it looks. : 보기만큼 맛도 좋기를 바라자.
It looks like rain. : 비가 올 것 같아.
Looks like it's gonna rain.
Looks like snowing, again.
It looks like we got some company. : 손님이 온 것 같아.
It looks like a regular traffic jam.
Looks like traffic is cleaning up. 교통이 풀리는 것 같아.
Looks like i gotta go. : 가야 할 것 같아.
Looks like we're stuck here. : 여기에 갇힌 것 같아.
Looks like you might get hurt. : 너 다칠 것 같아.
Looks like i'm late to the party. : 파티에 늦은 것 같네.
Looks like i got here just in time : 제시간에 온 것 같네.
I need to look through your bag. :look through ~을 살펴보다.
Look it up on the internet : look s.t. up 정보에 관련된 무언가를 찾아보다.
- Can you look up the weather forecast for tomorrow ?
- I looked up the definition in the dictionary.
I will just look it up on my phone.
I'd like you to look over my resume. : 내 이력서좀 훑어 봐 주세요
Would you look over my resume ?
Can you look over my project ?
Did you have a chance to look over my proposal ?
Who will look after her ? : 누가 그녀를 돌볼겁니까?
Can you look after the kids for a minutes ?
I will look into this mistake. : 내가 이 실수를 조사해볼께
We should look into the job first : 우리는 그 일을 먼저 조사해야 해.
look in on s.b. : (아픈, 혹은 도움이 필요한)...에게 방문하다 / ... 을 살펴보다
I'll look in on you later.
I'll just look in on my other patients.
They look in on me once in a while.