English/Expression . Idioms

English Expression & Idioms W8 - May 13th, 2021

X25WLK 2021. 5. 14. 06:00
No. Expressions/idioms Explanations
1 Way to go! Well done!    Good job!    That’s the way to go!    You rock!    Thumbs up!
. Everyone passed the exam.         Way to go!
. I got a job!         Way to go!
2 To lend a hand To give a hand,    to help out
. Our parents lent us a hand during our first year of marriage.
. My kids’ room was very messy. I lent them a hand to clean their room.
. When my daughter folds a paper, her brother usually lent him a hand. What a good brother!
3 A night owl Someone who stays awake for long hours during the night    :nocturnal(야행성의),  저녁형 인간
. When I was younger, I’d stay up all night watching TV or hanging out with my friends. I was a real night owl.
. Tomorrow, I’m going to take a math exam and I want to get a good grade. So, I’ll burn the midnight oil to study. I need to become a night owl in this time.
4 Big shot - big chance, amazing opportunity
. I don’t want to blow my big shot at working for google. I need to brush up my skills and prepare for my interview.                                                                    improve, review, refresh
. Moving to Canada is my big shots in my life.  
- big, important, powerful person, a VIP
. My buddy Tom is the V.P. at Scotia Bank. He’s a big shot in the banking industry.
. Although I have nothing, I will be a big shot in the world by being a specialist in this field.
5 Fooling around - play around, joke around, slack off and not be serious
. The teacher lost his temper when the students continued to fool around instead of doing their work.
. After school, my kids usually fool around before they have dinner.
-  spending “romantic” time
. Her husband came home late from work again. She thinks he might be fooling around with his new secretary.
6 Let’s get the show on the road. To leave, to start traveling, to hit the road
. Every morning, after breakfast, I throw the kids in the car and we get the show on the road.
. It’s 8:00 AM. Let’s get the show on the road.
* get down to business = get started         : 일에 착수하다. 시작하다  /  본론으로 돌아가다
* get back to business = get to the point  : go back to main topic     본론으로 돌아가다