시급한 교정 #06 - 결국, 결국은, 결국에는
1. 결국, 결국은, 결국에는
- I eventually found what I was looking for.
- Eventually, we couldn't decide where to go.
- Eventually, it's up to you. It's your decision.
- When you consider everything, eventually they're all the same.
- We have no much time, bad weather, and I felt a little bit tired. Eventually we dicided to stay home.
* finally : 드디어, 마침내
- I finally found what I wanted.
- I applied to the company several times, and I finally got a job.
2. instead of VS for
1) ~대신 ...을 하다 : instead of - 그것으로 인한 혜택/이득이 다수에게 돌아감.
- Our presenter suddenly got sick so I had to give the presentation instead of her.
- I want to get this steak but, can I get the salad instead of the soup? (~말고)
- I thought she would be busy, so i sent her a text instead of calling.
2) ~대신 ...을 해주다 : for - 그것으로 인한 혜택/이득이 개인에게 돌아감.
- Could you return this book for me?
- I'm cooking right now. Can you get that for me?
1) ~에게 ...을 알리다 / 알려주다
- let (s/o) know (s/t) : please let me know the result.
- notify : We will notify you as soon as your order is ready for shipment.
- tell : We need to tell him about this.
*notice : (어떤 사실 따위를) 발견하다 / ~을 알아차리다.
- Do you notice any family likeness between them?
- He pretended not to noice.
2) ~의 잘못이다. ~의 탓이다.
- commit a crime : 범죄를 저지르다.
- make a mistake : 실수를 하다.
- do s/t wrong
. I didn't do anything wrong.
. Did I do something wrong?
. I think I did something wrong.
. I did something that disappointed[upset] her.
- blame : ~를 탓하다.
. I don't want to blame anyone for losing my job.
*criticize : ~를 비난하다.
- fault : ~탓 - It's not my fault.
🛠 영어회화 | 시급한 교정 #06 | Part 1/3 | "결국 - 결국은 - 결국에는" - YouTube
🛠 영어회화 | 시급한 교정 #06 | Part 2 / 3 | "(누구) 대신 / 대신에 ~을 해주다/하다" - YouTube
🛠 영어회화 | 시급한 교정 #06 | Part 3 of 3 | 누구에게 알리다/알려주다 | 비난하다, 탓하다, 잘못하다 - YouTube