
Expression Upgrade #05 - It's just that

X25WLK 2021. 5. 20. 10:43

I know how to do it. It's just that I'm not really sure if I want to do it. 

어떻게 하는지는 알아, 그냥... 내가 정말 그걸 하고 싶은 건지를 몰라서 그래...


A : Hey do you hate your sister or something? 

B : What? What makes you think that? 

A : Well, it's just that I see you guys argue all the time.  그냥... 보면 항상 다투길래...

B : No! I don't hate my sister. We get along fine. 

    It's just that we're both really stubborn.  그냥.. 둘 다 고집이 너무 세서 그래.


A : So, how was your blind date?

B : It was okay. 

A : okay? Not great?

B : Well, she's great. And I had a great time with her.

     It's just that it doesn't seem like we have very much in common, you know? ...



A: Why do you want to use paternity leave [child-care leave]?

B : It's just that I feel like I was burn out. I need to get some rest. 
