
2021-05-22 : 10 sentences

X25WLK 2021. 5. 23. 13:39

1. Please don't take it the wrong way but.... do you have some problem with your boss?

2. I'll get it off my chest. He always make me angry. Yesterday I argued with him, so seriously. 

3. OMG. This morning, I heard that he will give you the ax(e) end of this week. 

4. I don't want to get canned.

5. Without this job, I even don't live from hand to mouth

6. But, please look on the bright side. You don't have to work overtime everyday. 

7. I know. but... finding a new job is like pulling teeth

8. You can start your own business. I have master's degree and i think you know your stuff.  

9. That's right. And I'm still young. I can do anything from scratch

10. Yes! Keep your chin up and start again. "Each cloud has a silver lining."
