2021-05-25 : 10 sentences
2021. 5. 26. 11:31
1. John was nuts about snowboarding. So, He enjoyed it 4hours a day every winter season. He was really nuts.
2. As a matter of fact, he learned it all the nuts and bolts for 10 years.
3. He has many experience under his belt.
4. But recently, he doesn't enjoy it. because he was crush on Jane. She really hate skiing and snowboarding.
5. So, He was out of practice in snowboarding. Eventually, he lost his touch.
6. But, it's okay. he is in a good hands with her.
7. For final exam, they decided to burn the midnight oil in the library.
8. And there, she saw a man who is really hot. So she used a pickup line to him.
9. But... he is one of John's friends. He gave John the scoop.
10. He was down in the dumps. Eventually, he dumped her.