생활 필수 표현 - 004. 아까, 이따가, 얼마전에, 나중에
2021. 5. 29. 08:15
1. 기본 : ago VS in, from now (구체적 시간의 양)
ago : (시간의 양만큼) ~전에 | in / from now : (시간의 양만큼) ~후에/뒤에 |
. 5 minutes ago . a week ago . several months ago . several days agao . a couple of weeks ago |
. a week from now = in a week . a year from now = in a year . several days from now = in several days *later는 가급적 쓰지 말자... |
2. earlier / later (구체적 시간의 양이 필요 없음)
1) 아까 : earlier + @ - (오늘 내를 기준으로 함) (@ : today / this morning / this afternoon / this evening)) - I took the English class earlier this morning. - I spoke with him on the phone earlier this afternoon. |
3) 이따가 : later + @ - (오늘 내를 기준으로 함) (@ : today / this morning / this afternoon / this evening / tonight) - I will clean my room later this afternoon. - I'm gonna watch the movie later tonight. |
2) 얼마전에 : earlier + @ - (오늘 이전) (@ : this week / this month / this year / quarter) - I saw him at the restaurant earlier this month. - I worked at equipment manufacturer company earlier this year. |
4) 나중에 : later + @ - (오늘 이후) (@ : this week / this month / this year / this quarter / in my life) - I will knock myself out to study math later this week. - I'm gonna invite her later this year. |
💪 영어회화 | 표현 | "아까", "이따가", "얼마전에", "나중에" | 일상적으로 사용하는 시간표현 영어로 자연스럽게 말하는법 - YouTube