English/Expression . Idioms

English Expression & Idioms W3 - April 6th, 2021

X25WLK 2021. 6. 9. 07:12
No. Expressions/idioms Explanations
1 Right-hand man Most trusted and dependable assistant  - (특히 중요 인물의) 오른팔
. Every entrepreneur needs a good right-hand man.
. My friend, Jack, is my right-hand man.
2 To stab someone in the back To betray / to break your trust – 배신하다, 등을 치다
. John got fired because his best friend stab him in back by telling the boss that he was not doing his job properly.
. He was bankrupt because his boss stabbed him in back by stealing his salary.
3 Keep your chin up
Stay positive
. After John lost his job, I told him to keep his chin up and to start looking for a new job right away.
. Although the world makes you difficult, keep your chin up and start again.
4 When pigs fly Never ! – 절대 일어날 없는 일을 비꼬아 말함.
. I asked the teacher if he could give me the answers to the exam. He said, “Sure! When pigs fly!”
. She is afraid of extreme sports. When I recommended skydiving, she said “Of course, when pigs fly!”.
5 To tell someone off To tell someone exactly what you think of them angry and loud usually  - 책망하다, 꾸짖다.
. I’ve asked him stop playing loud music at night but he continues to do so. I’m going to knock on his door and tell him off.
. They yell loud although I said to be quiet several time. Eventually, I told them off for their behavior.
6 Look on the bright side Be optimistic
. I know, you just lost your job, but look on the bright side. Now you can get a new and better job!
. She tried to look on the bright side although she had a hard time.
7 Out of work
Out of order
To run out of
Run on the sentence
Unemployed / jobless         : Many young people are out of work.
Not functioning                    : The fridge is out of order.
Quantity is low or zero        : I ran out of patient with her.             I’ve run out of gas with my car.
A long sentence                   :
8 To live from hand to mouth To earn enough money only to survive
. When my parents first came to Canada, they were living from hand to mouth.
. Before I graduated university, our family lived from hand to mouth.
9 To make ends meet 수입과 지출의 균형을 맞추다.
. I need a second job so I can make ends meet.
. Recently, my expenditure is getting increased. I have to reduce it to make ends meet.
10  As a last resort As a last possible solution                  최후의 수단으로써,
. I locked my keys in my car and my cellphone was dead. I’m all alone in the forest and it’s getting dark and cold. If worse comes to worst, I will break he window as a last resort.
11 If worse comes to worst, If the already bad situation becomes even more bad to think BIG              - 최악의 경우에는
. John lost his job and doesn’t know what to do. I told him to think big and start his won business if worse comes to worst ! He said, “Easier said than done!”
12 Easier said than done. 말이야 쉽지.
  . All my friends told me to go to Canada and start new life. Easier said than done. I’m already 40 years old.