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English/Expression . Idioms

Idioms ESL-Lab, 2022-10-01

No. Title Explanations
1 A student credit card  
·         Have money to burn                      : have a lot of money
- I need to have money to burn to buy a brand new car.
·         Dough                    : informal for money
- He didn’t have enough dough to buy the TV, so he borrowed money from his brother.

·         Spend yourself in a hole    : spend too much that leads to heavy debt
- Some people spend themselves in a hole because they can’t control their shopping habits.
- I think buying a new car with credit is like spending yourself in a hole.
- the government spent himself in a hole to build huge infrastructure.
·         Sky-high                : very expensive
- Prices for houses in this time are ski-high, so I’m going to look for an apartment.
·         Pay back                : return money you owe
- could you lend me $20 if I pay you back by the end of the week.
2 A healthy lifestyle  
·         Feel like a million bucks                : feel in very good health
- Hey, some people get tired after a long day’s work. But I feel like a million bucks.
- when I was 20s, I felt like a million buck. Nowadays, I’m very tired.
·         Play it safe                         : be careful and not take chances
- My knee still hurts, so I’m going to play it safe and not go jogging today.
·         Out of shape                      : in poor physical condition
- I have to start exercising because I’m so out of shape.
- I eat too much thesedays. Now, I am out of shape.
·         Cut back on                       : to reduce
- I have to cut back on the fatty foods I’ve been eating.
- I don’t want to cut back on my salary.
·         Take up k               : begin or start
- He has decided to take up cooking in his spare time.
- She took up studying English at least 30 minutes a day before preparing breakfast .
·         Cardiovascular system                  : your body’s bold circulation system including your heart, veins(정맥), and arteries(동맥) – 순환계 시스템
- Running at least 30 minutes a day helps improve your cardiovascular system.
3 A hiking family  
·         Get ahead              : become successful in your business or career
- Often, people give up time with their families to get ahead in life.
- I think I got ahead. I have a beautiful wife, adorable children, with a big house.
·         Make s/t of oneself            : become successful in a career
- She tried to make something of herself. Finally, she became one of the rich.
·         Control [hold] the purse strings                : control the money in a family
- My wife is much better at managing our finance, so she controls the purse strings.
·         distraction              : s/t that takes your attention away from another activity : 방해물
- Watching too much TV can be a big distraction from building a good relationship with children.
- “sleeping” is one of big distractions for student, especially during exam.
·         Off the top of your head    : think of s/t immediately without preparation, 갑자기
- I felt really embarrassed when I couldn’t remember her name off the top of my head.
- I don’t have a chance to call my colleagues’ name. So, I was embarrassed when I couldn’t remember his name off the top of my head.

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