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2022 Conversation Class W1-W3 ingredients list ( = nutrition facts) pre-prepared meals : 조리식품 (ex. 각종 3분요리, 냉동식품, processed food : 가공식품 (요거트, 우유, 시리얼 등 원자재를 가공하여 만든 식품) evenly : 고르게, 균등하게 5가지 기초 식품군 : vegetable / carbohydrate / protein / dairy & dairy product / fat. fresh produce : 농산물 exempt : 면제받다 disguise : 가장하다, 변장하다 malt : 맥아, 엿기름 molasses : 당밀 dextrin : 호당 hard time -ing in the end : 결국에는
2021-06-21 1. foot in mouth : 말실수를 하다 (의도치 않게 당황하게 되는 상황) - I put my foot in my mouth when they started to laugh at me as soon as I answered their question.
2021-06-15 1. What goes around comes around. : 사필귀정, 자업자득... 2.
Writing I went to the national park called "Oka". It took around forty minutes-ish from my home to there. Before I went there, one of my friends said to me that many people go there because it's near this city. So, we leave home as early as possible. it was eight twenty. I was a little bit nervous. becasuse today was Sunday. But fortunately, we didn't experience any traffic jam. ... before we arrive the..
2021-05-25 : 10 sentences 1. John was nuts about snowboarding. So, He enjoyed it 4hours a day every winter season. He was really nuts. 2. As a matter of fact, he learned it all the nuts and bolts for 10 years. 3. He has many experience under his belt. 4. But recently, he doesn't enjoy it. because he was crush on Jane. She really hate skiing and snowboarding. 5. So, He was out of practice in snowboarding. Eventually, he l..
2021-05-22 : 10 sentences 1. Please don't take it the wrong way but.... do you have some problem with your boss? 2. I'll get it off my chest. He always make me angry. Yesterday I argued with him, so seriously. 3. OMG. This morning, I heard that he will give you the ax(e) end of this week. 4. I don't want to get canned. 5. Without this job, I even don't live from hand to mouth. 6. But, please look on the bright side. You ..
2021-05-20 : Writing - 대화문/단문 [A] A : Hey, what's up? B : Same old, same old. um... Can I get it off my chest? A : Hey, what happened? B : Yesterday, my husband twisted my arm to buy a new car. A : But, you bought your car just last year? B : Yeah... Even he didn't drive a hard bargain. I gave up. Today, we will go to dealor shop to make a contract. A : Hold a second. One of my best frineds knock himself out for ABC dealer s..
2021-05-19 : 10 sentences 1. Jane was fooling around on the street last night. 2. All of a sudden, She bumped a man. 3. He had a shiny brown hair and white skin. He was easy on the eyes. 4. She loved him at first signt. 5. She was dying to make him her boyfrined. 6. So, she tried to use a pick-up line. 7. But, he didn't answer. Instead, he loooked a woman behind himself. She came her and ranted and raved. 8. At that time..