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2021-05-22 : 10 sentences

1. Please don't take it the wrong way but.... do you have some problem with your boss?

2. I'll get it off my chest. He always make me angry. Yesterday I argued with him, so seriously. 

3. OMG. This morning, I heard that he will give you the ax(e) end of this week. 

4. I don't want to get canned.

5. Without this job, I even don't live from hand to mouth

6. But, please look on the bright side. You don't have to work overtime everyday. 

7. I know. but... finding a new job is like pulling teeth

8. You can start your own business. I have master's degree and i think you know your stuff.  

9. That's right. And I'm still young. I can do anything from scratch

10. Yes! Keep your chin up and start again. "Each cloud has a silver lining."

'English > LRSW' 카테고리의 다른 글

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