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004. could have p.p.

I could sleep all day. : 나 하루종일 잘 수 있었다. 
: because I took a day off. So, I slept all day. 

I could've slept all day. : 나 하루종일 잘 수 있었다. 
But I didn't. I just went out to meet my frineds. 
==> I didn't sleep all day.   (실제로는 그러지 않았음)
==> 바로 뒤에 주로 didnt'의 문장이 주로 나타남.  

 I could've bought an iphone. But I didn't buy an iphone. I bought a Galaxy. 

Never say "I could've done that." because you didn't. 


I could've gone to Europe for my wedding honeymoon but I didn't.

Because it was too far away to visit and get back to my countries within one week. 


I could've bought EPSON printer but I didn't. Because HP provide "instant ink" option and it was very useful for me. 





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