1. 무조건
1) 목적 달성에 대한 의미
- I have to pass the exam this time.
- I seriously have to pass the exam this time.
- I have to pass the exam this time no matter what.
- I can't afford to fail the test this time.
2) 빠짐없이, 예외없이
- Everyone has to go this time.
- Everyone has to go this time. No exceptions.
2. 어떻게든, 어떤 식으로든 : one way or another - 문장이 짧을때는 뒤에 / 문장이 길 때는 앞에 주로 사용
- We have to finish this one way or another. : 어떻게든 이걸 끝내야 돼.
- One way or another, we have to finish this by the end of this month.
3. 무슨 수를 써서라도 : whatever it takes
4. 무슨 대가를 치르더라도 : no matter the cost
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