English/Comic_Book (2) 썸네일형 리스트형 Blue Exorcist 02 1. flirting : 희롱하는, 시시덕거리는, 장난삼아 연애하는 - Are flirtreaing with that girl? 2. flunky : 아첨꾼, 엉터리 신사, 낙제생 - You're always hanging around with those flunkies. 3. odd : 이상한, 특이한 (odd number : 홀수 even number : 짝수) - I saw an odd man yesterday. 4. monk : 수도사 - That monk's from the cursed temple. 5. reaper : (농작물을) 수확하는 사람 6. get off : 떠나다, ~를 떠나게 해주다, 벗어나다 7. close to s/o : ~와 친하게 지내다. - Don't get close .. Blue Exorcist 01 1. resort on : ~에 의지하다. - Think before you resort on violence! 2. shame on you : (너) 부끄러운 줄 알아! - Shame on you for failing the exam. 3. pass s/t down : (후대에) ~을 물려주다[전해주다} = hand down - Pass this down to him. - It was passed down from my father. 4. old fart : 어리석은 녀석, 실성한 녀석 5. come off : 떼어내다, 제거하다. - Does this hood come off? 6. strike down : 폐지하다, 쓰러뜨리다, 없애다 - His sword stroke down a her shild.. 이전 1 다음