English/Expression . Idioms (68) 썸네일형 리스트형 Advanced Phrases for English Conversations Situation 1. asking for other peoples' opinion : Would you like to add anything? Situation 2. you want to interrupt : Do you mind if i add to that ? : Can i jump in here ? : Sorry to interrupt but ... : Sorry, may i interrupt you for just a moment ? : If I may interrupt for a minute... Situation3 : you have gone off topic (주제를 벗어났을 때) : So anyway, getting back to my story... : As i was saying..... Idioms ESL-Lab, 2022-10-06 No. Title Explanations 1 Baby Food · Be supposed to : be intended for; be expected; be allowed to - I was supposed to visit my neighbor. But, I couldn’t. - We are supposed to leave by noon, so please hurry. 2 Baby toys · Bonding time : a time for creating a close relationship - Eating time with family is a great bonding time for everyone. 3 BBQ Party · Eat like a horse : to eat a lot - When I wa.. Idioms ESL-Lab, 2022-10-02 No. Title Explanations 1 Alien Encounters · Have money to burn : have a lot of money - I need to have money to burn to buy a brand new car. · Dough : informal for money - He didn’t have enough dough to buy the TV, so he borrowed money from his brother. · Spend yourself in a hole : spend too much that leads to heavy debt - Some people spend themselves in a hole because they can’t control their sh.. Idioms ESL-Lab, 2022-10-01 No. Title Explanations 1 A student credit card · Have money to burn : have a lot of money - I need to have money to burn to buy a brand new car. · Dough : informal for money - He didn’t have enough dough to buy the TV, so he borrowed money from his brother. · Spend yourself in a hole : spend too much that leads to heavy debt - Some people spend themselves in a hole because they can’t control the.. Idioms ESL-Lab, 2022-09-29 No. Title Explanations 1 Shopping for the Day · Save for a rainy day : save s/t for the future when it is needed - Instead of spending money on a new TV, I’m going to save it for a rainy day. · A dime a dozen : very common, usually inexpensive, easy to find - PH.D’s are a dime a dozen in Korea. - Bananas used to be very expensive in Korea, but nowadays they are a dime a dozen. 2 Sightseeing in T.. Idioms ESL-Lab, 2022-09-28 No. Title Explanations 1 Personal Profile · Hit it off : get along well, become friends - Tom and I hit it off. - Jenny hits it off with her friends. - After the first couple of letters, I knew we would hit it off because we had so many things in common. · nothing to write home about : not exciting or interesting, 특별할 거 없는 - My trip was nothing to write home about. I didn’t have much fun, and it.. Idioms ESL-Lab, 2022-09-27, part 2 [Easy - New Friends] “a social butterfly” = someone who enjoys being around people “She’s a real social butterfly and always seems to make friends so easily.” [Easy - Nice to Meet You] keep straight (verb): remember clearly – You need to keep the facts straight if you want to pass the test. - I can’t keep straight all the students’ names this being the second day of school. : I have a hard time .. Idioms ESL-Lab, 2022-09-27 [Easy - Homestay in the USA] roomie (noun): informal for roommate – Our roomie never cleans the kitchen and leaves his dishes in the sink. laid-back (adjective): easy-going, casual, or relaxed personality, 느긋한, 태평스러운 – My teacher is very laid-back about everything. I can turn in my homework late, and she doesn’t mind at all. [Easy - Hotel Reservations] “roll out the red carpet” = give very speci.. 이전 1 2 3 4 ··· 9 다음