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003. Should've p.p. - 아쉬움의 표현

1. should : right / better - 무엇인가를 하는 것이 옳고 더 좋을 때 사용

  : ~하는게 좋겠다/낫겠다.

  : must / have to : 의무감이 있음.

  - (I think) I should get going. 

  - You should follow her. 


  - I think I should study English everyday until I got a IELST score 8.0.


2. should've p.p. : (하지 않았던 일에 대하여) 하는 것이 옳았구나/좋았구나 - 아쉬움이 남음

  - I should've done that. 

  - I should've bought that. 

  - You should've told[asked] me this before

  - You shouldn't have done that. 

  - I should've studied English hard when I was a student. 



1) I should've spent more time stuyding English before I graduated university. 

2)  I should've worked out to keep a good shape. 

3) I should've planned a tomorrow's schedule. 

4) I should've registered English course earlier. 

5) I should've organized the contents which I learned during English class. 


Should have pp를 이렇게 알려주는 쌤이 있을까? 이제 should는 걱정 끝! - YouTube



'English > 달변가영샘' 카테고리의 다른 글

005. be supposed to  (0) 2021.05.30
004. could have p.p.  (0) 2021.05.30
002. Would have p.p.  (0) 2021.05.29
영어공부법 필수요소 4가지  (0) 2021.05.26
001. Would를 쓰는 6가지 방법  (0) 2021.05.26