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I went to the national park called "Oka".

It took around forty minutes-ish from my home to there. 

Before I went there, one of my friends said to me that many people go there because it's near this city.

So, we leave home as early as possible. it was eight twenty. 

 I was a little bit nervous. becasuse today was Sunday. 

But fortunately, we didn't experience any traffic jam. ... before we arrive there. 

When we get there, there are lots of cars lined up in front of our car. 

After we were in line about thirty minutes, we could park our car in parking lot. 

The scenary was not bad. It seemed like we were in certain beach of sea. 

Honestly, it was white sandy beach of river.... not sea beach. 


My children looked really happy. They enjoyed their time with water. 

They spent over four hours playing with water. 

After we washed, we bought three ice-cream. I paid about eleven bucks. 

But, it was worth paying money. the size was bigger than i expected, even one scoope. 

And we ate sandwich my wife packed. It was out of this world


On my way home, my young child fell asleep at the back seat. 

And elder child enjoyed online game. 


The first thing I like is that it was not so far from my house.... within 1 hour. 






'English > LRSW' 카테고리의 다른 글

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