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in the event VS in case VS if TermDefinition & Example SentencesIn the eventThis phrase is used to discuss a possible future occurrence. It suggests that something might happen and prepares for that possibility. It's often used in formal contextsIn the event of a fire, follow the emergency exit signs.In the event of severe weather, the school will close.In the event of an emergency, please follow the exit signs. In the event..
in any way / in the manner in any way : 어떤 방식으로든He didn't mean to offend anyone in any way, it was just a misunderstanding.Please let me know if I can help you in any way with your project.We couldn't find a solution to the problem in any way, despite all our efforts.She refused to compromise her principles in any way, no matter the consequences.I appreciate your offer, but I don't need assistance in any way at the moment..
auxiliary VS ancillary TermDefinition & Example SentencesAuxiliaryProvides additional support or assistance.Military: An auxiliary unit supports the main force.Education: An auxiliary verb helps the main verb.Healthcare: An auxiliary nurse assists the primary staff.AncillarySubordinate or secondary in importance but necessary for the main function.Business: Ancillary services like cleaning and maintenance.Healthcare: ..
in accordance with VS according to VS as per TermDefinition & Example Sentencesin accordance with ...Done in compliance with a rule, law, or regulation.1. The company updated its privacy policy in accordance with the new data protection laws.2. The safety procedures were implemented in accordance with industry standards.3. Employees must complete their tasks in accordance with the guidelines provided by the management.according to ...Refer..
finding(s) vs result(s) TermDefinition & Example SentencesFinding(s)A discovery, conclusion, or piece of information uncovered through investigation.1. The researchers' finding indicated a strong correlation between exercise and improved mental health.2. The judge's finding was based on the testimony and evidence presented in court.3. The survey's finding showed that the majority of respondents preferred online shoppin..
appurtenance(s) vs miscellaneous TermDefinition & Example SentencesAppurtenance(s): noun- Something attached to or associated with a larger item or property;- an accessory or auxiliary part.1. The garage is considered an appurtenance to the main house.2. The robotic arm was an essential appurtenance to the CNC machine.3. The HVAC system included several appurtenances, such as ducts and vents, necessary for optimal performance.4..
(명사/동사) 강세가 다른 10가지 단어 No.WordAccentExampleNounVerbNounVerb1RecordRE-cordre-CORDI found the record.I will record the meeting.2PresentPRE-sentpre-SENTThis is a present for you.She will present her findings.3ConductCON-ductcon-DUCTHis conduct was exemplary.They will conduct an experiment.4ProjectPRO-jectpro-JECTThe project is ambitious.They project growth next year.5ObjectOB-jectob-JECTThat's a strange object.I object t..
Python_EX-005. 10 way data read from excel file No.MethodCode ExampleProsCons1pandas # to read an Excel file pimport pandas as pd df = pd.read_excel('filename.xlsx') print(df)- Simple & efficient- Requires pandas library2openpyxl# to read an Excel file from openpyxl import load_workbook wb = load_workbook('filename.xlsx') sheet = wb.active for row in sheet.iter_rows(values_only=True):     print(row) - Handles .xlsx files well- Slightly more c..