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Idioms ESL-Lab, 2022-09-27 [Easy - Homestay in the USA] roomie (noun): informal for roommate – Our roomie never cleans the kitchen and leaves his dishes in the sink. laid-back (adjective): easy-going, casual, or relaxed personality, 느긋한, 태평스러운 – My teacher is very laid-back about everything. I can turn in my homework late, and she doesn’t mind at all. [Easy - Hotel Reservations] “roll out the red carpet” = give very speci..
2022 Conversation Class W4 - Simple Past What did you do for the last weekend ? - I went to somewher for apple picking. - We went back quickly and ate the noddles. - I gave him a kiss. - It was a lot of hard work. - I cooked fish. - I didn't do anything. - I stayed at home. Because my son got a cold. (How did you take care of you son ?) I gave him a medicine. - What else did you do ? - I went to Toronto with my friend. I ate seafood. (..
Idioms ESL-Lab, 2022-09-22 [Easy - Holiday Traditions] sneak (verb): to advance or approach without being seen (살금살금 몰래 가다) – My son often tries to sneak into the kitchen and take a cookie when no one is watching. sneak up (on somebody/something) : ~에게 살금살금[몰래] 다가가다 - He sneaked up on his sister and shouted ‘Boo!’.
2022 Conversation Class W1-W3 ingredients list ( = nutrition facts) pre-prepared meals : 조리식품 (ex. 각종 3분요리, 냉동식품, processed food : 가공식품 (요거트, 우유, 시리얼 등 원자재를 가공하여 만든 식품) evenly : 고르게, 균등하게 5가지 기초 식품군 : vegetable / carbohydrate / protein / dairy & dairy product / fat. fresh produce : 농산물 exempt : 면제받다 disguise : 가장하다, 변장하다 malt : 맥아, 엿기름 molasses : 당밀 dextrin : 호당 hard time -ing in the end : 결국에는
Idioms ESL-Lab, 2022-09-21 [Easy - Health Insurance] fluke: a lucky or unusual thing that happens by accident – By some strange fluke, my brother was hit by a baseball at the game. something is going around (expression): something like a sickness is spreading to other people – The flu has been going around for the past month. outrageous (adjective): shocking, incredible – The price of this car is outrageous. I’ll never bu..
Idioms ESL-Lab, 2022-09-15 https://www.esl-lab.com/easy/ [College Graduation] Idioms at last : 마침내 out of : ~의 바깥으로 Did you Finally move out of your parents' house up in the air (expression): undecided – Our travel plans are up in the air right now until weather improves. - what are you going to do with finance degree after you graduate ? That's still up in the air. [College Life] hectic : very busy – Our travel plans are..
Idioms ESL-Lab, 2022-09-02 https://www.esl-lab.com/easy/ Idioms “strapped for cash” = short of money “I’m a little strapped for cash, so I can’t eat out very often.” “come into money” = get money suddenly “Steve came into money when his father passed away last year.“ “nose around” = look for something private or hidden “The kids sometimes nose around the house for Christmas gifts.” “umpteen (also, umpteenth)” = a great nu..
비즈니스 영어 - 회의 직장인을 위한 영어 패턴 25개 (첫 번째 영상) #비즈니스 영어 #컨퍼런스 콜 #Zoom 화상회의 - YouTube 1. Did you get a chance to ...? ~을 할 기회가 있었나요? / 공손한 표현 Did you do s.t. ... - Did you get a chance to look at my email ? - Did you get a chance to send the files ? (Did you send the files? X) - Did you get a chance to sign the contract ? - Di you get a chance to check my email ? 2. Could you update us on ... ? / Could you give us ..