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English/Expression . Idioms

Jon & Amy : Lesson 05. Jon Has a Crash

No. Expressions/idioms Explanations
1 The big night An important and special time
. Was last night the big night?  // Yeah, it was great!
2 Give the scoop To tell s/o about s/t
. How was it last night?  // Fantastic!!!  // Give me the scoop.
3 By far To a great degree
. How was the concert last night?  // It was by far the best concert I’ve ever seen.
. He is by far the best English teacher.
4 Count one’s blessings To be happy for the good things : 축복이야
. When I met you and fell in love with you, I was counting my blessings.
. That concert was great!. I’m counting my blessings.
5 Common ground Things that are similar between two people
. He and I have a lot of common ground. We like animals, enjoy skiing and learning English.
6 Chatty Talkative
. She’s really chatty. When we meet, she talks a lot.
7 One’s heart races One’s heart beats very fast due to excitement
. My heart races every time I think about her.
. When I heard that the company decided to hire me, my heart races.
8 Love at first sight To be in love after just one meeting
. Do you believe in love at first sight?
9 Fall head over heels To be in love, to be crazy about someone
. When I saw her, I was falling head over heels in love at first sight.
10 See for oneself To believe without anyone else’s ideas : 직접 보게 되다
. You’ll see for yourself how great she is!
. She is literally an angel. If you can’t believe it, see for yourself how beautiful she is.
11 For sure Absolutely, definitely
. Do you think you’ll go on another date? // For sure! We already made plans to see.
. Is it right? I for sure say that it is correct.