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English/Expression . Idioms

Jon & Amy : Lesson 07. Preparing for a Test

No. Expressions/idioms Explanations
1 Be a bundle of nerves Be very worried or anxious
. Thanks for helping me study. I’m a bundle of nerves about math exam.
. Don’t be a bundle of nerves about whole things.
2 Strong suit To be good at s/t
. Math is my strong suit.
. I got a master’s degree on aeronautical engineering. So, the aircraft is my strong suit.
3 Have a mind for s/t one is good at
. I like math a lot. I have a mind for numbers.
. I have a mind for cooking.
4 Cover To include
. The test will cover chapter 6 and 7.
. If you have urgent issue, just go right now. I’ll cover your task.
5 Have a look (at) To see or view s/t
. Let me have a look at your textbook.  
. Can I have a look at your document?  
6 Know s/t like the back of one’s hand To know s/t very well
. I know math like the back of my hand!
. How can you go out with her?  // I know women like the back of my hand.
7 Breathe a sigh of relief To stop worrying about s/t
. Thank you for helping me. Now I can breathe a sign of relief.
8 Go over To study or review
. Let’s go over these problems first.
. There are lot of things to do. I started to go over test result report.
9 Come back To return to memory
. The teacher talked about this. It’s coming back to me.
. I forgot her name, but when I saw her, it was coming back to me.
10 Believe it when one sees it To believe s/t only after it happens
. You will pass the exam.  // I’ll believe it when I see it.
. Habs defeated Golden Knight! I think Habs is gonna win the Stanley Cup 2021.  // I’ll believe it when I see it.