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시급한 교정 #3 - by vs until, for -ing, some... else

1. by vs until

until : ~을 ...까지 지속적으로 반복해서 수행 by : 기 한(deadline), 그 전에 끝내도 됨. 
- I'm going to study until 10 o'clock. 
- Let's wait until 6 o'clock. And if she's not herwe until then, we can just leave without her. 
- I have to finish this by 2 o'clock.
- I have to submit this by Wednesday. 
- I have to finish this bythe end of the day today

* I don't have to be there until 2. (2시까지 계속 거기 있을 필요는 없어 --> 2시 전까지 미리 갈 필요는 없어)

  =  I just have to be there by 2.    (2시까지만 거기 가면 돼.)

It's going to arrive on Friday.             (그거 금요일에 도착할꺼야.)

It (probably) won't arrive until Friday. (그거 금요일에는 되어야 도착할꺼야.)



2. for -ing : (용도) ~하기 위한 것 

  - This button is for adjusting the volume. 

  - I bought this notebook for taking notes. 

  - This cake is not for eating. It's for decorating

  - I come here every for studying English. --> I come here every to study English

  - I get up early everyday for exercising. --> I get up early everyday to exercise


3. somewhere else / someting else / someone else

  - We went to the restaurant (and) there were too many people, so we went somewhere else. (다른 데로) 

  - I wanted to buy ABC T-shirt but, it was sold out. So, I bought something else.   (다른 것으로 = some other model / brand)

  - I was supposed to register Nick's English Class, but schedule was not matched with me. So, I found someone else. (다른 사람)

  - Right after she broke up with him, she immediately met soneone else.  ( = some other guy)

  - some other way : 다른 방법  - I think we need to find some other way. 

  - some other reason : 다른 이유

  - some other time : 다른 때



🛠 영어회화 | 시급한 교정 | by 와 until 에 대해서 올바르게 이해하고 사용하기 (1/2) - YouTube


🛠 영어회화 | 시급한 교정 #03 (2/2) | for -ing 에 대한 오해와 올바른 사용 | 다른데,다른거,다른사람,다른방법,다른이유,다른 때 - YouTube

