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시급한 교정 #4 - think about, have a lot of things to do, familiar vs be used to

1. think about : 고민하다. ( = put a lot of thought into )

  - I thought a lot about this. 

  - I put a lot of thought into deciding the title. 

*consider : 고려하다, 생각해보다. 


2. 할일이 많은 (schedule X) 

  - I have a lot of things to do today.

  - I have a lot of things on my schedule. 


3. 익숙하다 / 익숙하지 않다. 

 1 ) familiar : 알다 / 모르다 (~에 대하여 지식/정보가 많다/적다), 낯익은/낯설은

  - I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with this situation. 

  - She looks really familiar but I can't exactly remember who she is. 

  - This voice sounds really familiar, is it Michael Jackson? 


  2) be used to + noun : ~에 익숙하다. (~을 많이 해 봐서 숙달되다.)

  - I'm not very used to talking to girls. 

  - I'm not used to eating alone. 


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