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Expression Upgrade #01 - 놓치고 있는 영어표현

1. That's all there is to it. : (복잡하게 생각할 것이 없다) 그냥 그게 다다

어려운 것이 있다면, 그냥 시간을 들여서 배우면 된다. (복잡하게 생각할 것이 없다) 그냥 그게 다다
If something is difficult, just take time to learn it. 
That's (really) all there is to it.    
That's (really) all (that there is) to it.


2. There (really) isn't much to it. : 정말 별거 없어

처음에 배울 때는 확실히 시간이 좀 걸리는데, 기초에 대한 감을 한번 잡고 나면 정말 별것 없어. 어느정도 수준을 지나고 나면 시간 문제야
It takes time to learn it, at first.
But, once you get the sense of fundamental, that's really all there is to it.
It's just time problem after passing certain level.
There certainly is a bit of a learning curve.
But, once you get a hold of the basics, there really isn't much to it. 
After a certain point, it's just a mater of time. 


3. There's so much more to doing something. : 얼마나 할 일이 많은데.

A : I am thinking about growing a dog. 
B : oh.. are you sure that you are ready to do huge decision? 
A : It's just a dog. How hard is it? It's just feeding, taking care of it in order not to be hit by car. 
B : Are you kidding? Growing a dog is just not to let it live. There are a lot of things to do.   
A : I'm thinking of getting a dog. 
B : Whoa. Are you sure you're ready for that kind of commitment? 
A : It's a dog. How hard could it be? You just feed it and try not to run over it with your car. 
B : You're kidding, right? There's so much more to rasing a dog than just keeping it alive. 


4. There has to be more to it than that. : 뭔가 더 있을 것 같은데.

A : Do you know KIM is handling of real estate, now ? 
B : What? What about his coffee shop business? 
A : He told me that he doesn't want to do it any more. 
B : Is that all? I think there is something more. How sudden does he do a real estate business from running coffee shop ? 

A : (Hey) Did you konw that KIM is a realtor now? 
B : What? What happened to her coffe shop? 
A : Well, she told me that she just didn't feel like doing that any more. 
B : That's it? There has to be more to it than that. I mean, how do you go from running a coffee shop to becoming a realtor? 




놓치고 있는 영어표현 💡That's all there is to it. / There isn't much to it. / There has to be more to it. - YouTube

