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English/Expression . Idioms

Jon & Amy : Lesson 12. Meeting the Parents

No. Expressions/idioms Explanations
1 What are you up to? What are you doing?   /  What are your plans?
. What are you up to?   //  I’m just hitting the books for tomorrow’s exam.
. What are you up to this summer vacation?   //  I have no clue.
2 Have a lot on one’s plate To have a lot to do   /  to be busy
. What are you up to over spring break?   //  I don’t have a lot on my plate. Why?
  . Do you have time?   //  I’m sorry but I have a lot on my plate.
3 Bounce an idea off of s/o To get someone’s opinion, to see what someone thinks : 의견/아이디어를 공유하다
. Before he decides, he usually bounce an idea off of his mother.
  . Please bounce some ideas off of me if you have one for this issue.
4 Shoot To tell someone about s/t
. I want to bounce an idea off of you.  //  Okay, shoot.
. I have a secret and now I will tell you about it  // what is it. Shoot.
5 Mean the world to s/o to be an important part of s/o’s life
. You mean the world to me, so I want you to get to know your parents.
. He loves his wife, so he literally tried to die when she was died of cancer. Because She means the world to him.
6 Take the weight off one’s shoulders To relieve pressure or worry
. I’m a little nervous.  //  Don’t worry. Let me take the weight off your shoulders.
. Before the big presentation I was a nervous wreck. But my wife took the weight off my shoulders.
7 The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. Children are similar to their parents.
. You and your parents are very similar because the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
. He is very smart boy and his mother got a master’s degree. I think the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
8 Joke around To not be serious, to tell jokes
. My parents love to joke around like I do. We have the same sense of humor.
. When you get a job interview, don’t joke around and just buckled down but keep smiling.
9 Sense of humor The ability to appreciate funny things
. My English teacher has a good sense of humor. So I really enjoy his class.
. If you want to meet woman, you need to have a sense of humor.
10 Run in the family To be like one’s family members, to share qualities : 집안 내력이다
. He and his sister Jane were good at math. They entered university and graduated with score A. I think it runs in the family.
. I decided to be a doctor as my mother did. And 20 years later, my daughter also decided to be a doctor. It seems to run in the family.
11 Have a ball To have a good time
. After exam, I went to amusement park with my girl friend. We had a ball until 9 PM.
. Have you had a ball with your English teacher in his class?