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English/Expression . Idioms

Jon & Amy : Lesson 14. Falling in Love

No. Expressions/idioms Explanations
1 Get away To take a vacation
. It’s such a beautiful night.  //  Yeah, We picked a great day to get away.
2 Get along To be on good terms
. Jon and Amy just meet one month ago, but they got along so well.
3 Be head over heels To become completely in love with s/o
. I’m falling head over heels in love with you.
. He is head over heels in love with his new girlfriend.
. He is head over heels for you.
4 Paint the town red To have fun in a city
. We have 3 exams next week soon [right around the corner]. We need to buckle down and hit the books or else this whole semester will be a lost cause. Come on, it’s crunch time! Let’s roll up our sleeves and get down to business!
5 Music to one’s ears Good news that makes one happy
. I got a new job!  //  Way to go! It’s music to my ears.
6 Be coming up To be happening soon
. Do you know what’s coming up next month?  //  Let me guess. …Our one-year anniversary.
. OMG! The final exam is coming up.  // Yeah, next week.
7 You got it! You’re right
. Do you know why he goes to library these days?  //  Girlfriend???  // You got it!
8 Read one’s mind To know what someone is thinking
. Let’s go shopping to buy new summer pants.  //  You read my mind! I love it. Let’s go
9 Two peas in a pod To be a lot alike
. Jon and Amy like history and math. When they have free time, they usually watch an action movie. And they really love to drink beer. They are like two peas in a pod.
. She and her mother look like two peas in a pod.