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English/Expression . Idioms

Jon & Amy : Lesson 13. Andrew Gets Hired

No. Expressions/idioms Explanations
1 What’s up? What’s new?  /  How are you?
. What’s up, John?  // nothing special.
2 Grey skies always clear up. Bad things go away
. He got fired last month, and today he gets a new job. Grey skies always clear up.
 . He felt that learning English is not easy. But he stopped studying and 2 years later he could speak English fluently like a native speaker. Grey skies always clear up.
3 Be stuck between a rock and a hard place To have to make a difficult decision
. If I choose this job, I could get a lot of money but I have to work even on weekends. If I choose another job, I could climb the ladder but I couldn’t make ends meet at the beginning. I’m stuck between a rock and hard place.
4 Look up To get better
. Guess what? Things are looking up!  /  Why? Did you get some good news?
. I lost all of my money. I’m loser.  // Hey keep your chin up and look up.
5 Make up one’s mind To make a decision
. I’ve already made up my mind. I choose to take the job.   // It’s the right choice.
. He made up his mind to go to college instead of running his own business.
6 Feel at home To feel like a new place is like one’s home
. When I arrived at my father’s hometown, I felt at home. It was so warm and peaceful.
. Whenever I go to my friend John’s house, I feel at home because of cozy sofa.
7 Get settled To get used to living somewhere new
. You should move to New York City to get a job. But I’m sure you’ll feel at home once you get settled.
8 The Big Apple New York City
. If you have a chance to travel USA, I highly recommend to visit the Big Apple.
. The ice-hocky match was held in the Big Apple last night.