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How do you use your blog?


These days, we can easily find lots of blogs on the internet.


Some people use their blogs to show themselves. They focus on the number of visitors. So, they try to upload interesting postings. Or if possible, they make a postings to teach something like an English.


Another people use their blogs like an webhard. When they go on a business trip abroad and suddenly they come up with certain special idea or they want to leave the situation during business trip, they take a notes on their blogs. When they come back, they summarize those that information and they make the completed posting and upload it.


In my case, I want to leave my life history for myself and for my familes. Another reason is to practice English. I want to have more opportunities to use English. So, I started to write in English and I started to record my voice in English.


Then, how do you use your blog?


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