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How to improve your listening skills



Hello, How are you? I'm pretty good.  

Today, I saw a very interesting movie clip from YOUTUBE channel.  
So, I would like to share this information with you. 


This movie clip is about to how to improve our English Listening skill.

Actually, we can hear the sound from our ears. But some people misunderstand that the this sound can be translate translated in ears. But this is absolutely wrong.

Our ears send this sound to our brain. And our brain translates or interprets this sound to the meaning words. So, when we listen to English, we have to focus on our brain (not our ears). This is movie maker’s main thought.

So, if you want to see the more detail information, you can search 다빈치 센스 in YOUTUBE channel.


Okay. Have a good day. And see you tomorrow. Bye.





드디어 밝혀지는 천재 탄생의 비밀, 외국어 안들리던 지난 세월 허무함 주의 #영어듣기 #외국어공부법 - YouTube



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