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2021-05-17 : 10 sentences

1. If I take a English test tomorrow morning, I will burn the midnigh oil and hit the books.


2. I have something to tell you.  Come on. get it off your chest and give me the scoop

3. Sometimes I am in ranting and raving when someone interrupt me.

4. The judge threw the book at the thief. 


5. I have to knock myself out to pass the exam. 


6. I heard that his father passed away last night. Oh, my... My heart goes out to you and your family.  


7. Sometimes I could drop the ball in my life. but, don't worrdy about it. [Never mind] just do it again. 


8. You are the person who your parents are proud of. Don't be down in the dumps. 


9. I want to make a bundle to buy my own house which has five rooms and three bathrooms. 


10. Pretend to be on thin ice, always struggle to improve[brush up] yourself. Then one day you will become number one. 


'English > LRSW' 카테고리의 다른 글

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