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2021-05-19 : 10 sentences

1. Jane was fooling around on the street last night.


2. All of a sudden, She bumped a man.


3. He had a shiny brown hair and white skin. He was easy on the eyes


4. She loved him at first signt.


5. She was dying to make him her boyfrined. 


6. So, she tried to use a pick-up line


7. But, he didn't answer. Instead, he loooked a woman behind himself. She came her and ranted and raved.


8. At that time, Jane realized. She was his girlfriend. She was down in the dumps.


9. The man and woman went in front of chinese restaurant. And they started to make out, violently.


10. On her way home, Jane thought that she will buckle down and knock herself out to make a bundle


11. Each cloud has a silver line. Look on the bright side


12. It's full steam ahead. : 전력을 다할 때이다. 





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