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Common Car Repair Shop Scams


get ripped off : 눈탱이 맞다.  ( = get screwed over)

I should have tested this laptop before I bought it secondhand. I really got screwed over.   : secondhand - 중고의 / 중고로 (adv.)


 1. Type of engine oil Eengion Oil 

  - 3 type of oil : conventional / blend / full synthetic   

   : look in your owner's manual and check corrected oil and how often to change it


2. Upsell

  - Check your owner's manual, and if it's not listed in your owner's manual then you shouldn't have that maintenance done unless you have a problem with that.  


3. engine air filter & cabine air filter : typicallly every 6 months 

  - Check your owner's manual 

  - Have them take you out to the vehicle, take the filter out of your vehicle, makek sure it's the right one 

  - You can do it yourself. To save money, you can go to any auto parts store, purchase the filter. 


4.  Flat tire / tire is losing air

  - It's in the tread, don't let the sales person behind the counter sell you a new tire  

    (You can use repair kit. Only buy a new tire if the sidewall is damaged not the tread.)

  - If technician says you need new tires, ask them to show you why there might be a legitimate reason. (legitimate : 정당한)


4. Engine part Replacement

  - If in doubt, say show me where the part came from, show me my part, show me a new part, and when you see the difference you'll be smart enough to know. (if you're in doubt, don't have the work done and get a quote elsewhere. 

  - If you're seeing your fuel economy drop off, it's probably because you have dirt in your feul injectors. 

    (if you've got 50,000 miles on your vehicle, that's more likely. --> you carn professionally cleaned.

      --> or pour the fuel injector cleaner in empty tank then add gasoline.)


5. Routine maintenance



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