Will / Would
A. 가능성/확률
be going to : 99.9% 가능
will : 90% 의지
would : 10% 의지
Ex.1 Will it be okay? Yes, it is okay (100%) Yes, it will be okay. (90%) Yes, it would be okay. (10%) |
Ex.2 Will you come to the party? Yes, definitely. (100%) Yes, I am coming (100%) Yes, I will. (90%) Yes, I would (10%) |
Ex.3 What day is it today? It is Monday. It will be Monday. It would be Monday. |
Ex.4 I am going to marry him. (99.9%) I will marry him. (90%) I would marry him. (10%) |
It comes with Salad. (100%) It will come with Salad. (90%) It would come with Salad. (10%) |
B. 도대체, 굳이
Ex.1) Why did you do that ? (왜 그것을 했니?) Why would you do that ? (왜 의지를 가지고 했니? --> 왜 굳이 그렇게 했니?) |
Ex.2) Why do you need a car ? Why would you need a car ? (굳이 차가 필요한 이유가 뭐니?) |
Ex.3) Did you tell anybody that i failed the exam? (내가 시험에 떨어졌다고 누구에게 말했니?) I didn't do that. Why would i do that ? (내가 왜 굳이 그랬겠어? --> 난 네 편이야.) |
C. 공손한 표현
Would you pass me the salt ? (소금 좀 건네 주세요? --> 상대방에게 가능성을 많이 줌) |
Would you tell us your story? |
Will you help me ? (너가 90%를 가지고 도와줄래?) Would you help me ? (너가 10%를 가지고 도와줄래? --> 상대방 결정권 90%--> 공손) |
What will happen if the Earth stops spinning ? What would happen if the Earth stops spinning ? |
It is kind of stuffy here. Would you mind if i open the window ? (Would you mind opening the window ?) |
D. 과거형
Emma said she would call you soon.
He said he would come to the party.
He said he was goint to come to the party. (99.9%)
조동사 will/would 차이 - 시원하게 설명합니다 영어회화, 영어, 영어듣기, 여행영어, 영어동화, 영어공부, 영어단어, 생활영어, 초등영어,패턴영어, 구동사, 쉐도잉, 어순