본문 바로가기


Will / Would

Will / Would

A. 가능성/확률

be going to : 99.9% 가능

will : 90% 의지

would : 10% 의지 

Will it be okay?
Yes, it is okay (100%)
Yes, it will be okay. (90%)
Yes, it would be okay. (10%)
Ex.2  Will you come to the party? 
Yes, definitely. (100%)
Yes, I am coming (100%)
Yes, I will. (90%)
Yes, I would (10%)
What day is it today?
It is Monday. 
It will be Monday.
It would be Monday. 
I am going to marry him. (99.9%)
I will marry him. (90%)
I would marry him. (10%)

It comes with Salad. (100%)
It will come with Salad. (90%)
It would come with Salad. (10%)


B. 도대체, 굳이

Why did you do that ? (왜 그것을 했니?)
Why would you do that ?
(왜 의지를 가지고 했니? --> 왜 굳이 그렇게 했니?)
Why do you need a car ? 
Why would you need a car ?
(굳이 차가 필요한 이유가 뭐니?)

Did you tell anybody that i failed the exam?
(내가 시험에 떨어졌다고 누구에게 말했니?)

I didn't do that. Why would i do that ?
(내가 왜 굳이 그랬겠어? --> 난 네 편이야.)



C. 공손한 표현

Would you pass me the salt ? 
(소금 좀 건네 주세요? --> 상대방에게 가능성을 많이 줌)

Would you tell us your story?

Will you help me ? (너가  90%를 가지고 도와줄래?)
Would you help me ?
(너가 10%를 가지고 도와줄래? --> 상대방 결정권 90%--> 공손)
What will happen if the Earth stops spinning ? 

What would happen if the Earth stops spinning ? 

It is kind of stuffy here. 
Would you mind if i open the window ? 
(Would you mind opening the window ?)



D. 과거형

Emma said she would call you soon. 

He said he would come to the party.

He said he was goint to come to the party. (99.9%)



조동사 will/would 차이 - 시원하게 설명합니다 영어회화, 영어, 영어듣기, 여행영어, 영어동화, 영어공부, 영어단어, 생활영어, 초등영어,패턴영어, 구동사, 쉐도잉, 어순



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