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be of


A. 기본구조 : 주어 + be + (N) of ...

가설 : (N)이 S와 동급or유사함에 따라 중복성이 발생, 언어 경제성의 원리에 의해 이 부분을 생략하게 됨. 

        --> 주어와 N이 동급/유사함으로 문장의 기본구조는 2형식으로 이


Most of these decisions are (these decisions) of only minor concern. 

He is (a man) of wisdom.


It's more formal way of saying "have" or "is from".


B. "of"의 의미 및 "be of"의 해석

1) 소유/특성:

be of noun --> be adjective
Such measures are of necessity in these circumstances

This theory is of relevance to our discussion

Their discovery is of great significance to our research.

This will be of use to somebody.

This kind of book is of no value to anyone. 

This painting is of great value.

The lecture was of high quality.
This food is of great nutritional value.
His speech was of exceptional clarity.
The design is of exquisite taste.
The experiment is of scientific importance.
The building is of significant height.
The movie is of considerable length.
The theory is of academic interest.
The landscape is of natural beauty.
The process is of technical complexity.


(adjective를 만들기 어려울 때) be of --> have

She is of noble birth.

He is of generous mind

He is of French descent.

The product is of high quality.

The book is of considerable length.
This project is of immense importance.
The house is of historical significance.
Her advice is of great value.
The recipe is of high complexity.
The results are of crucial relevance.
His opinion is of little consequence.
This artifact is of ancient origin.
The solution is of moderate difficulty.
The event is of major impact.


3) 소속 : be of --> belong to

She is of the team now

Most of the paricipants are of the younger age group.

Most of applicants were of that specific part of the area. 

She is of Italian descent.
The wine is of French origin.
He is of noble birth.
This tradition is of Asian heritage.
The sculpture is of Greek influence.
These laws are of Roman derivation.
The festival is of Celtic roots.
This technique is of Japanese inception.
The music is of African origin.
The style is of Scandinavian design.



4) ~에 관한

Our picture of what the earth was like two billion yeras ago is of a great ball as hot as boiling water. 




1. https://blog.naver.com/parkinkyun/223500128463

2. https://blog.naver.com/teacherr10/223403480706

3. https://blog.naver.com/koreiskii/220329948603


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