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[1W] 2nd Day


1. Simple Present Tense

1) to talk about our habitual(routine) action 

   - I get up around 6:00 AM.

   - We go to school every weekday.

2) Facts

  - The Sun rises in thi morning. / The Sun set at night. 

  - The Earth moves around the Sun. 

  - Dogs do not speak. Dogs bark.     ("개"라는 종 전체를 의미하므로 dog이 아닌 dogs)


2. Simple Past Tense

  - The action is 100% completed.

  - Usually use past time reference : last year, 2days ago, yesterday, ...

    (cf. this morning : 상황에 따라 여러시제에서 사용 가능)


1) Irregular Verb : attached List. 

2) regualar Verb 

  (1) -ed                : asked   / brushed / checked / cleaned / talked / walked / washed / played / listened

  (2) -(e)d              : decided / danced / hoped / liked


  (3) -ied               : (자음)+y로 끝나는 단어의 경우, y를 i로 바꾼 후 ed (<--> played, 모음+y)

      : carried  / cried / studied / 


  (4) -(consonant)ed : ~"자음+모음+자음"으로 구성 and (1음절 단어 or 마지막 음절에 강세가 있는 경우)

      : hugged / planned / preferred (<--> listened,1음절에 강세)





stay up late at night : 늦게까지 안자다. 

I stay up late at night twice a week. : 나는 1주일에 2번은 늦게 잔다. 


stay up all night ~ing : ~하느라 밤새다. 

I stayed up all night studing English. 


make fun of ~ : ~을 놀리다. 

I made fun of my son. 


come back home --> go back home

I support my wife to prepare breakfast. --> I help my wife prepare breakfast. 



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