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[W2] 1st Day





1. We use the Present Prefect to talk about an action that is either finished or unfinished up until this moment. 

  - I have eaten breakfast = I ate breakfast.     (Finished)

  - I have lived in Montreal for 2 years.          (Unfinished)

  - I have studied at this schedual since 2018. (Unfinished)

cf.) I studied at this schedule for 2 years.        (Finished)


*현재완료는 정확하지 않은 과거시점을 말할때 사용한다. 

  - I have watched that movie yesterday. ( X ) --> I watched that movie yesterday. 

* "When"은 정확한 시점을 말하므로, 현재완료에서 사용하지 않는다. 




  - for : length of time

  - since : from a specific time

  - ever : anytime in our life

  - recently/lately : around these days  cf.) lastly : 마지막으로

  - still (긍정,부정 모두 사용 가능) = yet (부정만 사용)

    I still haven't read this book. = I haven't read this book yet.



Have you ever been to Canada? Yes, I have. I went to Canada (for) 3 years ago. 

Have you ever gone skiing? Yes, I have. I have gone skiing last year. 



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