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생활 필수 표현 - 002. 추석

1. 추석

  - the Chuseok holidays : 추석 연휴

  - during the Chuseok holidays : 추석 연휴 동안


3. 연휴가 다가오고 있어. 

  - A big holiday is coming up. 

  - There's a big holiday coming up. 


3. 고향에 내려가다. : 부모님을 뵈러 가다. 

  - I'm gonna go (and) see my parents during the Chuseok holidays. 


4. 가족이 모이다 : get together

  - My family and my relatives are gonna get together

  - I'm gonna get together with my family and relatives.

  - Everyone is gonna get together at my uncle's place in Busan. 



  - Usually, we make a lot of food and there's a big feast. 


6. ~의 집에서 자고 오다 : sleep(stay) over

  - I slept over at my friend's place yesterday. 

  - I'm gonna sleep over at my uncle's place during the Chuseok holidays. 



  - The women do most of the work and the men just sit around and talk. 

    I hate this kid of tradition, but... I don't really have a choice. 


8. (시간이) 걸리다. 

  - It takes 3 hours. 

  - It took 5 hours to get to Busan. 


9. 몸살 : get sick

  - After we came back, she got sick. 

  - I'm really tired[exhausted]


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