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Expression Upgrade #12 - as far as (s/o, s/t) be concerned,

1. As far as s/o is concenred,

 - As far as I'm concerned, you didn't do anything wrong. (내가 보기엔 넌 아무 잘못이 없어, - 좀 더 개인적인 견해) 

    *The way I see it, you didn't do anything wrong. (좀 더 중립적인 관념)

      They way I see it, you warned him, right? And he didn't listen. So, you didn't do anything wrong. 

  - It bothers me, too. But as far as he's concerned, it's his money and he can do whatever he wants with it.  (..걔 입장에서는)

  - It really kills me to see the conditions that the dogs are living in. But as far as the owner is concerned,  


  - I totally agree with yo but as far as the owner is concerned, there's no problem with the way things are and as long as noghting is interfering with his business, he has no reason to change things.  (... 주인 입장에서는)



2. as far as s/t is concerned, 

  - Look. As far as money is concerned, I'll think of something. Don't worry about it.  (돈은, 돈 관련해서는, 돈 부분은)

  - As far as risk is concerned, all you can do is to try to minimize it. There's no way to avoid it completely. (리스크는, 위험성은)


    * 사람의 경우, as for s/o

     . As for my wife, she's a freelancer and she makes her own hours.

      So, I don't think it'll be a problem for her as far as scheduling is concerned. Of course, I'll need to talk to her about his first. 


  * when it comes to

    . I don't know the first thing when it comes to math.

    . Jane is an expert when it comes to cook. 

    . I tend to be strict to my children when it comes to studying. 





in terms of

as far as s/t is concerned

when it comes to 


영어 표현력 업그레이드 🔥 as far as I'm concerned / as far as money is concerned - YouTube

