No. | Expressions/idioms | Explanations |
1 | Speak of the devil | When a person appears just after being mentioned. 호랑이도 제 말 하면 온다. (얘기하는 중 얘기 당사자가 나타남) . You speak of the devil, and he appears. . Speak of the devil, now he is here. |
2 | Pet peeve | 극혐 (꼭 극혐이 아니거나 소소한 것에도 사용 가능함) . My pet peeve is people who eat too fast. . What are your pet peeves? . The doctors ranked this behavior as one of their biggest pet peeves. . My biggest pet peeve is making noise. |
3 | Pet please | Your life’s simple pleasures / Pet peeve의 반대 : 좋아하는 것 . One of my pet please is to take a nap after lunch. . |
4 | Hit the nail on the head | Exactly right. 못으로 머리를 맞추다, 정곡을 찌르다. . You’ve hit the nail on the head. . It looks like he hit the nail on the head. . I think David hit the nail right on the head when he said that kids won’t want to buy it. |
5 | The benefit of the doubt | (증거 불충분의) 무죄 추정, 유리한[선의의] 선택 . They gave him the benefit of the doubt. 그들은 그를 한번 더 믿어보기로 했다. . He deserves the benefit of the doubt. 그는 믿음을 받아 볼 만 하다. . I want to give my cousin the benefit of the doubt. 난 내 사촌을 믿어보고 싶어. . I’m glad the teacher gave me the benefit of the doubt. |
6 | Happy belated birthday | 조금 늦었지만 생일 축하해. |
7 | Newly weds | 신혼부부 . We toasted to the future of the newlyweds. 신혼부부의 앞날을 축복하며 건배했다. . We feel like we’re newlyweds and on a date all the time. . We provide a complimentary bottle of wine to (all) newlyweds. |
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