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English/Expression . Idioms

English Expression & Idioms W2 - May 29th, 2021

No. Expressions/idioms Explanations
1 Be about to Be ready to 
. I was about to start working on my homework when the power suddenly went out.
. She is pregnant and now, she is about to have a baby.
2 After all After you consider everything            어쨌든  / 결국에는
. I got into really big fight with John. I decided to invite him to my birthday party even though I’m still upset. After all, he’s still my brother!
. He didn’t agree with his boss’s order. But, after all, he followed it.
. He promised to come here. But. He didn’t show up after all.
3 To break the news To inform or tell people something they don’t know (both good and bad news)
  . I was very nervous about breaking the news to my parents that I would be moving to Canada.
 . He always gives me to break the new about getting a job.
Cf) bring (something) to light : (새로운 정보를) 드러내다. 밝히다. 
. His crime has been brought to light.
. I bring your secret to light.
. The scientists brought their findings to light.
4 To cost an arm and a leg Very expensive
. My new phone cost me an arm and a leg. That’s why I use a protective case for it.
. The house cost me an arm and a leg.
. I want to make it even though it costs me an arm and a leg.
5 A dead end job A job without possibility for higher/different position
. John hates working as a night security guard. He says it’s a dead end job.
. I couldn’t find any kinds of hope or vision. It was a dead end job for me. 
6 To give (s.b.) the creeps To make you feel uncomfortable
. Every time I walk out of my house, my neighbor just stares at me with a strange look on his face. He really gives me the creeps.
  . He’s starting to give me the creeps.
* She is creepy = She is a creep.
7 To o back to the drawing board To go back and start again usually from scratch.
. I bought some materials at the hardware store(RONA) and started to construct a new kitchen. My wife just changed her design so I have to go back to the drawing board.
8 To go belly up To go bankrupt
. I opened up a new restaurant right before pandemic. Unfortunately, it went belly up and I had to lay everyone off.
9 To give (s.b.) the ax(e) 해고하다
. If John continues being late for work, his boss is going to give him the axe.
. He gave her the axe because she dropped the ball about the major contract.
* to get fired  =  to get the axe  =  to get the boot  =  to get canned  : 해고되다.
. The incompetent boss got canned.
10 Lay off To lose your job because of financial or other problems out of your control
. The company laid them off due to economic crisis.
. Many employees were laid off last year.