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English/Expression . Idioms

English Expression & Idioms W1 - May 26th, 2021

No. Expressions/idioms Explanations
1 Hit the road Go on a trip, begin to travel somewhere
. I’ve got to hit the road now.                                          이제 그만 가봐야겠다.
. I’d like to hit the road when I’m on vacation.             방학 여행하고 싶다.
. Let’s hit the road to the nearby bookstore.                가까운 서점으로 출발하자.
. hit the gas : drive faster
2 Up to (something) Doing something wrong or secret / planning to something bad
. I wondered what my daughter was really up to.
. I’m sour that Lily and Max are up to something evil.
. When children are quiet, it means that they are up to something.
. What are you up to there? Open the door!
3 Cal Ripken base ball player called “Iron man”
Determined, Loyal, Strong (결심, 충성, 강함)
4 Spit-up (아기가) 토하다, 게워내다. / 침을 뱉다.
. I don’t want her to spit up on you.
. I hope I don’t spit up.
Cf) spit it out        말해라. 털어 놓아라. 자백해라.
5 Ish Around
. Having a party tonight around 8:30ish.
. I prefer to eat at 6-ish.
. She is maybe 40ish, and attractive to me.
6 Drop by Short visit, stop by, pass by
. On my way home, I dropped by my friend’s house.
. Drop by the convenience store and buy some beverage.
7 On the way Coming to ~하는 중에,
. I’m on the way.                                                가는 중이야.
. It was on the way to the station.                   쪽으로 가는 길에 있었다.
. I listen to the radio on the way to work.       출근길에 라디오를 듣는다.
8 Pull up  
. Pull up the chair here.
. Please pull up in front of the subway station.
. pull up to the window.                     (drive through pay or pickup위해) 창가 쪽으로 오라.  
Cf) pull over to the side of the road by police officer
       : (
경찰에 의해) 길가 쪽으로 차를 대다.

9 Something questionable Doubtful, strange, weir, not completely honest, not acceptable.
10 Crake the code To discover a solution to a particularly difficult or complicated problem
To figure out how to do something
. She was trying to get information out of me but she couldn’t “Crack the code”.
11 Idiosyncrasy An unusual feature of a person. An odd habit
. She’s easy to work for , and her employees don’t mind her idiosyncrasies.
. Flight crews must become familiar with each airplane’s idiosyncrasies.
. One of my idiosyncrasy is to bite my nails when I fell nervous.
12 Shuffle Mix
. She shuffled her pile of papers, then began to speak.
. I usually shuffle songs from the list, when I listen to music.
13 Live it up To do things that you enjoy and spend a lot of money / have a fu, enjoy my life.
. Sam was living it up in London.
. Let’s go to Europe for two weeks and live it up.
. Due to COVID-19, it is difficult to live it up, especially in Montreal.
14 You rock. You’re awesome / excellent. You can do it.
. Thanks for moving my sofa on Saturday. You rock!
. How was your event last night? Excellent! It rocked.
15 Do the wave 파도타기 응원을 하다.
16 Doodle(s) To draw shapes, lines, or patterns without really thinking about what you are doing
. Brad was doodling on a sheet or paper.
. She doodled a lot when she was bored.
17 Old spice 어르신들이 쓰는 남자향수?
18 Have a hold on someone strong influence over or effect on someone.  / 손바닥 안에 있다.
. The boss tries to have a hold on me.
. The instructor had a very strong hold on the members of the group.
. I tried to have a hold on my kids. But, it’s almost impossible.
19 Invalid
(강세 1음절)
(n) Someone who cannot look after themselves because of illness, old age, or injury
. The invalid feels easier now.
. I’m here to see the invalid.
20 Cozy 안락한, 아늑한, 편안한
  . I felt warm and cosy sitting by the fire.
. The door opened to reveal a cosy little room.
. You can sit down and be cosy.
21 Chickened out Afraid to do something / 겁을 먹고 ~ 그만두다.
. I was going to ask her out for a date, but at the last minute, I chickened out.
. I always chickened out of everything.
. Don’t be chickened out of that.
. I was going to tell her I couldn’t do the job, but I chickened out.
22 Magnify 확대하다. 과장하다.
. The sound was magnified by the high roof.
. Magnify and project pictures on a screen.
23 Fool around ( 안하고) 노닥거리다. / (이성과) 놀아나다
. She’s been fooling around with a married man.
. I am not going to fool around until I get married.
. Don’t fool around with the watch.