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English/Expression . Idioms

English Expression & Idioms W2 - May 30th, 2021

No. Expressions/idioms Explanations
1 Infant A newborn baby. First year of life
  . In the past, the death rate in infant is high due to low medical knowledge and facility.
2 Toddler A young child usually between ages 1 and 3ish.
Has learned to walk but not very steady yet.
. His second toddler still cannot stand.
. Look at that toddler getting stand up.
* Terrible Twos!
3 Adolescent
Teenagers.            Kids between 12/13 and 18 between childhood and adulthood.
. The person I’m looking for is an adolescent boy of 16.
. The psychology of the adolescent is complex.
      - complex       : (구조/절차가) 복잡한
      - complicated : (이해/설명) 어려운
* Tweens – twelve-year teenager
4 Peer Someone of the same age, level, social status.
  . We are different ages but we take the same course. We are peers.
  . As a peer, I want to help you.
5 Senior citizen Usually refers to someone 65 years old and over
An elderly person                (elderly : 연세가 드신 / 연세 드신 분들, 어르신들)
. She became a senior citizen so she retired for her colleague.
. Senior citizens can get on a bus for free.
*stale : 주로 오래된 음식 등에 사용 : 사람에게 사용하지 않음.
6 Baby of the family The youngest child of the family : 막내            ß à the eldest (첫째)
. She is a baby of my family.
. The gap between the eldest and the baby of my family is five.
7 Baby boom Population “boom” or “explosion” after WWII (World War II)
. My parents are baby boom generation.
. After Second World War, baby boom came.
8 Baby Boomer People born between 1946 – 1960..ish
. Baby Boomer tried to buy a house to increase their wealth.
. It is essential for baby boomer to work hard.
9 Generation gap The difference in values, beliefs, and attitudes between different generations.
. I feel generation gap when we are talking about marriage.
. Sometimes, there is a generation gap among siblings.
10 Sandwich generation The age when you look after your children and parents too. (Like an Oreo cookie)
  . I have older brother and young brother. So, I am sandwich generation.
11 To be named after To be given the same first name as someone else, usually a family member or a person you really look up to (admire)
. I am named after my grand father. Because he was a famous scientist.
. In Korea, we are not usually named after our parents or grand parents.
12 To take after 닮다. (외모, 성격 )
. His appearance and character take after his mother.
. He never takes after his parents. He is like his grand father.