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English/Expression . Idioms

Jon & Amy : Lesson 19. A Second Chance

No. Expressions/idioms Explanations
1 It’s been ages It’s been a long time.
. Hello, John. Nice to see you again.  // You too. It’s been ages. How have you been?
2 Hang in there To keep trying, not give up
. Are you still struggling to be a doctor?   //  I’m hanging in there.
. The Montreal Hockey Team was dropped? // No. they are hanging in there. They will go to final round.
3 What’s new with you? What’s different in your life?
.What’s new with you?  // Same old, same old… Why are you calling me?
4 Get back together To become a couple again
. I’ve got something to ask you.  // What is it?  // Can we get back together? I miss you.
5 Cling to hope To sincerely wish for s/t
. Please show me the answer for this question. I’m clinging to hope.  
6 A match made in heaven Two people who are perfect for each other
. John and Jane love each other for 5 years. John think that she means world to him. And Jane think without him, she can’t live anymore. I think they are a match made in heaven.
7 Same old Nothing is different, everything is the same
. What’s new?  // Same old, same old. Nothing special.
8 Give it  a shot To try
. Can I do this?  // Don’t worry. Just give it a shot. This is nothing.
9 Think the world of s/o To admire s/o : ~ 몹시 존경하다. ~ 훌륭하다고 생각하다. ~ 아끼다.
. I’ve missed you a lot John.  //  Me too, I still think the world of you.
. The king Sejong made Korean language called Hangul. I’m really thinking the world of him.   