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English/Expression . Idioms

Jon & Amy : Lesson 17. Jon and Amy Break Up

No. Expressions/idioms Explanations
1 heart-to-heart A serious talk : 털어놓고, 숨김없이
. If you have a problem, please let me know heart-to-heart.
2 Break up To end a relationship
. John and his girlfriend often argued and eventually they broke up.
. John are you okay? You look terrible.  //  I broke up with Jane. 
3 What’s up? What’s happening?  / What’s new?
. . We need to have a heart-to-heart.  //  Okay. What’s up?
4 Not that big a deal Not important
. Wow, So amazing. How can you prepare this cake.  //  Cut it out. It’s not that big a deal.  
5 Have a lot on one’s mind To be thinking or worrying about things
. You forgot our anniversary!  //  It’s not that big a deal. I had a lot on my mind and just forgot.  
6 Put it out of one’s mind To stop thinking about s/t
. I failed the text. My mom is killing me.  // Get over it.  //  I can’t put it out of my mind.
7 Have a change of heart To change one’s mind
. I decided to go aboard to study this year.  //  Could you have a change of heart?
8 A slim chance A very small possibility
. You didn’t study math at all. I think there is not a slim chance to pass the exam.
9 win back To reunite with s/o after making a great effort : ~ 되찾다[다시 차지하다]
. I think we need to break up.  //  What??? Do I have a slim chance of winning you back?
. The soldiers tried to fight to win back their territory from the enemy.
10 Be through A remark used when s/t has ended
. I’ll be through with this in a few minutes.
. You can borrow this book when I’m through with it.
. We can go to park after he is through with his homework.
11 It’s over To be finished
. Come on. You can do it! Just give it a shot!  //  Ted, just give up. It’s over.