No. | Expressions/idioms | Explanations |
1 | Rush hour | Time of heavy traffic . He likes to stay at work late so he can miss the rush hour. |
2 | Traffic jam | Many cars on the road and they can’t move easily . I got caught in a traffic jam this morning, so I was an hour late for work. |
3 | In the same boat | In the same (difficult) situation . Robert and Frank both lost their jobs last week. Now they are in the same boat. |
4 | Have a lot of baggage | Have a lot of problems form your past . I don’t think she should date that man. He has a lot of baggage and he may make her very unhappy. |
5 | Hit the road | Leave, start a trip . Let’s try to get to sleep early tonight. I want to hit the road early tomorrow morning so we can miss the heavy holiday traffic. |
6 | Fender bender | Small car accident . It snowed yesterday and the road was very icy. I had a little fender bender, so today I will have to take my car into the service station to be repaired. |
7 | Down the road | In the future . We can’t afford to buy a house right now, but we hope that we will be able to sometime down the road. |
8 | Drive someone crazy | Bother, upset, annoy . Please turn down that music. It is driving me crazy. |
9 | Flying high | Feeling great . He just won a $100,000 lottery. He is really flying high. |
10 | Lose one’s train of thought | Forget the order of one’s words or thoughts . Please don’t interrupt me. I don’t want to lose my train of thought. |
11 | Ship shape | Excellent condition . I took my car to the service station to be fixed. The mechanic said it is now in ship shape. I won’t have any more problems with it. |
12 | Cruising for a bruising | Looking for a fight . John loves to argue. He is always cruising for a bruising. I think you should stay away from him. |
13 | To be in the driver’s seat | To be in control, in charge, the one making decisions . Now that you are the manager of the office, you are in the driver’s seat. |
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