No. | Expressions/idioms | Explanations |
1 | A ball park figure | An estimated number, an approximation . I don’t know exactly how much that computer costs. I can just give you a ball park figure. It’s about $1,500. |
2 | A good sport | A person who is fair and friendly and doesn’t complain if he/she loses . Ruth is a very good sport. She neve gets upset when she loses a tennis game. |
3 | Be all thumbs | Be clumsy(어설픈, 서투른), cannot do things well with one’s hands à all fingers turn to thumbs . He can’t even sew a button on his shirt. He is all thumbs. |
4 | Go fly a kite | Go away, stop bothering me – usually said in anger . When Ben was trying to study, Anna kept bothering him. He finally said to her very rudely, “Oh, go fly a kite.” |
5 | Have two left feet | To be a bad dancer, to have poor coordination . I don’t want Robert to be my dance partner. He has two left feet. |
6 | In the same boat | In the same (bad) situation . Marie and Susan both lost their jobs last week. Now they are in the same boat. |
7 | Keep the ball rolling | Continue to make thing s happen . The leader of our project promised to keep the ball rolling. He won’t stop working until all the work is done. |
8 | Music to one’s ears | Good news, something you are happy to hear . When the students heard that their exam was cancelled, it was music to their ears. |
9 | Off base | Not correct, not appropriate . He doesn’t know what he’s talking about. He is completely off base with his information. |
10 | On the ball | Smart, clever, intelligent . Dave is on the ball. I’m sure he can solve our problem.. |
11 | Put one’s cards on the table | To be honest and not hide anything . When I discuss the offer to buy the business, I’m going to put my cards on the table. I want to be very open and direct. I want them to know exactly what I cam prepared to pay. I think it will be a waste of time if we are not honest with each other. |
12 | Right off the bat | Immediately, the very first thing . Where he met her, it was love at first sight. Right off the bat, he told her he was going to marry her some day. |
13 | The ball’s in your court | It is your turn to speak or act . He offered to pay me $10,000 for my car. I counter offered with $15,000. Now the ball’s in his court. |
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