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English/Expression . Idioms


No. Expressions/idioms Explanations
1 A ball park figure An estimated number, an approximation
. I don’t know exactly how much that computer costs. I can just give you a ball park figure. It’s about $1,500.
2 A good sport A person who is fair and friendly and doesn’t complain if he/she loses
  . Ruth is a very good sport. She neve gets upset when she loses a tennis game.
3 Be all thumbs Be clumsy(어설픈, 서투른), cannot do things well with one’s hands à all fingers turn to thumbs
. He can’t even sew a button on his shirt. He is all thumbs.
4 Go fly a kite Go away, stop bothering me – usually said in anger
. When Ben was trying to study, Anna kept bothering him. He finally said to her very rudely, “Oh, go fly a kite.”
5 Have two left feet To be a bad dancer, to have poor coordination
.  I don’t want Robert to be my dance partner. He has two left feet.
6 In the same boat In the same (bad) situation
. Marie and Susan both lost their jobs last week. Now they are in the same boat.
7 Keep the ball rolling Continue to make thing s happen
. The leader of our project promised to keep the ball rolling. He won’t stop working until all the work is done.
8 Music to one’s ears Good news, something you are happy to hear
. When the students heard that their exam was cancelled, it was music to their ears.
9 Off base Not correct, not appropriate
. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about. He is completely off base with his information.
10 On the ball Smart, clever, intelligent
. Dave is on the ball. I’m sure he can solve our problem..
11 Put one’s cards on the table To be honest and not hide anything
. When I discuss the offer to buy the business, I’m going to put my cards on the table. I want to be very open and direct. I want them to know exactly what I cam prepared to pay. I think it will be a waste of time if we are not honest with each other.
12 Right off the bat Immediately, the very first thing
. Where he met her, it was love at first sight. Right off the bat, he told her he was going to marry her some day.
13 The ball’s in your court It is your turn to speak or act
. He offered to pay me $10,000 for my car. I counter offered with $15,000. Now the ball’s in his court.

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