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English/Expression . Idioms

Idioms ESL-Lab, 2022-09-02



strapped for cash” = short of money
I’m a little strapped for cash, so I can’t eat out very often.”

come into money” = get money suddenly
“Steve came into money when his father passed away last year.“

nose around” = look for something private or hidden
“The kids sometimes nose around the house for Christmas gifts.”

umpteen (also, umpteenth)” = a great number of
“I have umpteen presents to buy before Christmas Eve.“


 if I can’t have some fragile dolls, it doesn’t really matter what I get.

If I can't go back to Korea, it doesn't really matter where I can go. 


crack a book” = to open books to study (usually a negative meaning)
“Brandon hardly ever cracked a book in high school, but he still was able to graduate.”


cut class” = to skip school
“Why do you always cut class? You won’t pass the class if you do.“


turn someone down (noun): reject or refuse someone 
– James asked many girls out on dates, but they all turned him down.


guts (noun): courage 
– I didn’t have the guts to ask Jessica out on a date.


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