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생활 필수 표현 - 017. 대화가이드

PART I : ~한 사람 처음 봐. (~한 사람 본 적이 없어)

우와, 말도 안돼. 
저렇게 고집 센 사람 처음 봐.

Wow, No way!
I've never seen
anyone so stubborn. (+about ...)
(I've never seen
such a stubborn person. )
He is the most stubborn person I've seen. 
He is the most stubborn person I know. (사람인 경우)  
어 나도 저런 (류의) 사람 처음 보는 거 같아. (추측의 어조)

Yeah, I don't think I've ever seen anyone like that.
누구랑 얘기만 하는데도 이렇게 힘든건 (또) 처음이야.  I've never had such a hard time just talking to someone.
나도. 누구랑 대화만 하는데 이렇게 스트레스 받는 건 처음인거 같아.

Me too. I don't think I've ever been under so much stress just having a conversation with someone. 

be stressed / get stressed / be under stress



PART II : 극단적인 인상의 표현

나 이렇게 맛있는 파스타는 처음이야. / 처음 먹어봐. I've never had pasta this good (before). (이렇게 맛있는)
= I've never had pasta as good as this. (이것처럼 맛있는)

보다 직설적 표현 (문장 뒤 시기에 대한 내용확장 가능)
This is the best pasta I've (ever) had (in years).

This has to[must, has got to] be the best pasta I've ever had. 

cf. I've never had good paster like this.  (부자연스러움)
저렇게 많이 먹는 사람 처음 봐. I've never seen anyone eat so much. 
I've neve seen any eat as much as him. 
I don't think I've ever seen any eat as much as him. 

cf. (극단적인) 사람의 행동에 대해서는 최상급으로 표현하지 않음. 

This must be the worst pasta I've had in my whole life. 
I've never seen anyone sleep as much as you. 

I've never seen anyone work as hard as her.  = I don't think I've ever seen anyone work as hard as her. 




💬영어회화 | 대화가이드 #04 (PART 1 OF 2) | "저런 사람 처음 봐." / "저렇게 고집 센 사람은 처음봐" - 일상적으로 사용하는 극단적인 표현 - YouTube


💬영어회화 | 대화가이드 #04 Part 2 of 2 | 일상 속에서 사용하는 극단적인 표현 추가 정리 - YouTube
